Remember Me

Remember who you are when the ice and snow melts away and the sun warms
the earth and remember who you are when Spring
brings a new hope and new life and when all the first
flowers begin to show their brightest colors.
Remember who you are and hold your head up high. Stand
strong, walk your path in truth and light and remember
who you are when you look at the night sky with its soft
and twinkling lights.
Remember who you are as you hold your babies close to
your breast. And as they grow, they become little children
and remember who you are when you hold your children
on your lap and they look deep into your eyes and your
heart fills to overflowing. Cherish these moments for they pass much too quickly.
Remember who you are as you hold so close to your heart
the love of your family. Never let them stray from the truth,
and remember who you are when you look into the eyes of
the most cherished friends for in love there are no bounds
and we are all connected. Love is all there is.
Remember who you are when the Eagle flies in circled flight
and his wings touch the morning light, and remember who
you are when your day has come for you have come through
the storm with passion and grace, so be at Peace and in
the end you will Remember me,” the soul whispers.

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